Etherdelta se nenačítá


Etherdelta jest to zdecentralizowana giełda kryptowalut oparta na smart kontraktach, handel odbywa się tu tylko i wyłącznie za Ethereum, a na samej giełdzie będziecie mogli znaleźć wszystkie coiny ERC20. Dzięki MeatMask, używanie jej jest mniej skomplikowane. Pokażemy jak zainstalować i używać Metamask i Etherdelta.

Bu siteyi kullanmaya devam etmeniz durumunda, çerez kullanımımızı kabul Explore "Etherdelta" posts on Pholder | See more posts about Ether Delta, Crypto Currency and Ethtrader EtherDelta là một sàn giao dịch tiền tệ số phi tập trung, chỉ hỗ trợ mua bán Token ICO dựa trên nền tảng của Ethereum. Sàn giao dịch phi tập trung tức là các quản trị sẽ không giữ tiền của bạn mà tất cả tiền sẽ được giữ bởi các hợp đồng thông minh (Smart Contract) và chỉ bạn mới thể có thể nạp/rút hay Криптовалютный обменник EtherDelta пострадал от хакерской атаки. Представители одной из крупнейших криптовалютных бирж, EtherDelta, сообщили в официальном твиттере о хакерской атаке на серв… EtherDelta es un exchange descentralizado que permite obtener tokens provenientes del estándar ERC20 de Ethereum. Realizamos una reseña de EtherDelta, evaluando a fondo su funcionamiento y características. ¿Qué es EtherDelta?

Etherdelta se nenačítá

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Etherdelta DEX launched by Zack Coburn in 2017 is a place where many people trade ERC-20 compliant tokens including Iconomi, Augur, 1ST, and others. Etherdelta exchange is a decentralized trading platform. Traders need not register in this exchange, as it is a decentralized exchange. Etherdelta gives you the opportunity to fill in certain details by yourself. You can’t operate anonymously on Etherdelta if you wanted to. There is an expiry time for orders bought or sold. Security may be a major problem here.

Etherdelta se nenačítá

Your was and still is, our main fuel. Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products & offers that appear on this page are from companies which Coin Clarity receives compensation including affiliate compensation. Etherdelta jest to zdecentralizowana giełda kryptowalut oparta na smart kontraktach, handel odbywa się tu tylko i wyłącznie za Ethereum, a na samej giełdzie będziecie mogli znaleźć wszystkie coiny ERC20. Dzięki MeatMask, używanie jej jest mniej skomplikowane.

In order to participate in the STMX Token ICO, please fill in the form with accurate details. Refer to this blog post for detailed information regarding the whitelisting process.

Oct 14, 2017 · I have the issue that that i am connected to but then the page is not loading. I am only seeing the loading circle. The only thing i am seeing is the chat panel all other panel do not load I checked already if the side is EtherDelta is the first place that coins that have just finished ICO-ing on the Ethereum blockchain will be listed, and more than 200 coins are listed there. Because on a decentralised exchange traders trade directly between themselves, there is no third party and no single point of failure. Nov 09, 2018 · EtherDelta Sanctioned As An Unregistered Exchange. EtherDelta, one of the most used and respected ethereum decentralized exchanges was surprisingly tackled by the SEC. They were accused of running an unregistered securities exchange by more than 18 months. The SEC points two things to support this claim.

Etherdelta se nenačítá

I am only seeing the loading circle. The only thing i am seeing is the chat panel all other panel do not load I checked already if the side is EtherDelta is the first place that coins that have just finished ICO-ing on the Ethereum blockchain will be listed, and more than 200 coins are listed there. Because on a decentralised exchange traders trade directly between themselves, there is no third party and no single point of failure.

Etherdelta se nenačítá

You are responsible for your own account, funds, and private keys. You are responsible for your own trading decisions, and the details and mechanics of the tokens you trade.” Jun 16, 2020 · Update: de EtherDelta handelsbeurs is niet meer actief. Voor meer informatie: Ethereum DEX selectie. Verouderde informatie, niet meer actueel: EtherDelta is een gedecentraliseerde Ethereum exchange voor het verhandelen van ERC20-tokens die op basis van Ethereum zijn ontwikkeld en meestal worden gedistribueerd tijdens ICO’s.

7/10/2016 12/29/2017 ForkDelta does everything EtherDelta did, so just take your wallet there and see all your assets just like you would at EtherDelta. Be aware that network gas prices have been very high lately and ETH is very expensive, so the transaction fees have increased proportionately and can take a bigger bite out of your profits. EtherDelta is een online handelsplatform voor het traden van ERC20 tokens. Nu blijkt dat EtherDelta een niet geregistreerde effectenbeurs exploiteert. De Amerikaanse Securities and Exchange Commission, of te wel afgekort de SEC, heeft Zachary Coburn, de oprichter van EtherDelta, belast met de exploitatie van een effectenbeurs.

toggle_navigation EtherDelta sends 5.25 ETH with each transaction. This is an overestimate and the excess will get refunded to you. It's a good idea to send more than 5.25 so you can pay for not only this transaction, but also future transactions you do on EtherDelta. EtherDelta, characteristics and peculiarities. is hosted in Russian Federation. Whois Record, Domain History, Name Servers, IP is 4 years 6 months old. It has a global traffic rank of #157,893 in the world. It is a domain having com extension. This website is estimated worth of $ 76,200.00 and have a daily income of around $ 127.00. As no active threats were reported recently by users, is SAFE to browse. Server iP: Current resolution: domain resolution record: 2020-05-01-----2020-11-08

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EDIT5 is back too. EDIT4 Site is back up at Multiple sites hosted on github pages seems to be down, so github is having some issues. Nothing with EtherDelta itself. EDIT Official tweet stating the same. EDIT2 If you really want to withdraw when the site isn't working, interact with the contract directly

[…] 8/16/2018 Etherdelta jest to zdecentralizowana giełda kryptowalut oparta na smart kontraktach, handel odbywa się tu tylko i wyłącznie za Ethereum, a na samej giełdzie będziecie mogli znaleźć wszystkie coiny ERC20. Dzięki MeatMask, używanie jej jest mniej skomplikowane. Pokażemy jak zainstalować i używać Metamask i Etherdelta. EtherDelta is dé plek om kleine (nieuwe) coins welke werken op de blockchain van Ethereum. Je vindt hier de zogenoemde ERC20 tokens voordat ze op grote exchanges als Binance of KuCoin komen. Het handelen in deze kleine coins kan zeer lucratief zijn omdat het in de meeste gevallen gaat om coins met een zeer lage market cap.